Saturday, May 23, 2020
Perdón I-212 por deportación de Estados Unidos
Los extranjeros deportados o expulsados de Estados Unidos reciben una penalidad y no pueden ingresar legalmente por un tiempo de castigo, excepto si obtienen un perdà ³n conocido como waiver I-212. El tiempo de castigo puede ser de 5, 10, à ³ 20 aà ±os o incluso de por vida, dependiendo de la razà ³n de la deportacià ³n. En este artà culo se explica cuà ¡ndo no es necesario pedir este waiver, tambià ©n conocido en algunos paà ses como perdà ³n o permiso, cà ³mo se solicita cuando sà es necesario, tarifa que debe pagarse con la solicitud, tiempo que se demora en resolverse, quà © hacer si se obtiene la aprobacià ³n de este perdà ³n y cuà ¡ndo es necesario ademà ¡s presentar otro perdà ³n conjuntamente. à ¿Cuà ¡ndo NO es necesario solicitar este perdà ³n? No todos los extranjeros que han sido expulsados o deportados de Estados Unidos necesitan este perdà ³n como paso previo para solicitar una visa no inmigrante -como por ejemplo la de turista o trabajo temporal -à o una visa de inmigranteà para la tarjeta de residencia (green card). Por lo tanto, si no se necesita, no solicitarlo, porque serà a una pà ©rdida de tiempo y de dinero. Y es que no precisan pedir este perdà ³n las personas en cualquiera de las siguientes categorà as: 1. - Los extranjeros que llegaron a un puesto migratorio de Estados Unidos y se les permitià ³ retirar su solicitud de ingresar al paà s. 2.- Los extranjeros que al llegar a un puesto migratorio de Estados Unidos fueron parados y se les impidià ³ el ingreso al paà s pero no fueron objeto de una expulsià ³n inmediata oficial. Esto es muy importante, porque hay que distinguir cuando ha habido una expulsià ³n y cuando simplemente no se admite al extranjero y se le devuelve al paà s del que ha llegado. Esta diferencia es fundamental. Hay que mirar quà © papeles se firmaron o fueron entregados. 3.- Los extranjeros que fueron parados en la frontera intentando cruzar ilegalmente pero, por la razà ³n que sea, no recibieron una orden de expulsià ³n inmediata. Es muy importante saber si se recibià ³ una o no. 4- Los extranjeros que llegaron a un puesto migratorio sin visa por pertenecer a un paà s de Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y no se les permitià ³ el ingreso. Esto es importante para los turistas y personas de negocio chilenos y espaà ±oles. 5.- Los casos de salida voluntaria, cuando se salià ³ de Estados Unidos dentro del plazo previsto. Esta es una excepcià ³n muy importante. 6. - Los solicitantes de visa U por và ctima de violencia que se encuentran en Estados Unidos y piden un ajuste de estatus. 7.- Y, por à ºltimo, aquellos expulsados o deportados de Estados Unidos que ya han cumplido el tiempo de la penalidad. Por lo tanto, es fundamental saber el monto de los aà ±os que aplican a cada caso. Y es que para algunos extranjeros la penalidad dura 5 aà ±os, para otros es de 10 y para otros, 20 y, finalmente, para otro grupo existe lo que se conoce como prohibicià ³n permanente (permanentà bar en inglà ©s). Para conocer con certeza por cuà ¡nto tiempo es la penalidad y los cargos se deben consultar los rà ©cords de corte, en casos de deportacià ³n, incluyendo la orden del juez y el documento que se denomina Notice to Appear in Removal Procedeedings. En el caso de expulsià ³n inmediata, es aconsejable tener el rà ©cord de la CBP (Patrulla fronteriza) y del Notice of Expedited Removal. En los casos en los que la dicta un juez por ser un caso de arriving alien tambià ©n es importante ese documento. En otras palabras, solo es necesario solicitar este perdà ³n si todavà a no ha pasado el tiempo de la penalidad y se quiere solicitar una visa no inmigrante o una visa inmigrante para ingresar a Estados Unidos. En este punto puede surgir la duda de quà © pasa con aquellos extranjeros que tienen una penalidad de prohibicià ³n permanente, à ¿pueden pedir un perdà ³n? La respuesta es que sà en las siguientes condiciones: En primer lugar, si la prohibicià ³n permanente es porque se estuvo ilegalmente en Estados Unidos por mà ¡s de un aà ±o (no tiene que ser corrido), despuà ©s se salià ³ del paà s y se ingresà ³ o se intentà ³ ingresar posteriormente de forma ilegal y se desea pedir una visa no inmigrante, en este caso se puede pedir el perdà ³n en cualquier momento. Tener en cuenta que para la visa de inmigrante las reglas son distintas y es lo que se explica mà ¡s abajo. En segundo lugar, lo mismo sucede para los migrantes que fueron removidos de Estados Unidos y que despuà ©s ingresaron ilegalmente o fueron agarrados cuando lo intentaban. En este caso tambià ©n aplica una prohibicià ³n permanente pero se puede pedir el perdà ³n en cualquier momento si lo que se desea solicitar a continuacià ³n es una visa no inmigrante. Un caso distinto es cuando se quiere solicitar la visa de inmigrante en los 2 supuestos anteriores y tambià ©n todos los demà ¡s casos de prohibicià ³n permanente ya es necesario poder demostrar ausencia de Estados Unidos por al menos 10 aà ±os antes de poder solicitar el perdà ³n. à ¿Cà ³mo se pide el perdà ³n I-212 para ingresar a EE.UU. despuà ©s de deportacià ³n? Por regla general el perdà ³n se pide llenando el formulario I-212, si bien hay unas pocas excepciones cuando se solicita una visa no inmigrante en determinados consulados de los Estados Unidos. Tambià ©n puede haber variaciones segà ºn el caso en lo referente a la cuota por aplicar y a la necesidad de aportar datos biomà ©tricos (huellas digitales y fotografà as). El formulario debe ir acompaà ±ado de documentos que se piden en las instrucciones del formulario y ademà ¡s de aquellosà que sirvan de apoyo a la razà ³n por la que se solicita el perdà ³n. Entre ellos, destacan: Certificados de hijos, matrimonio, etc para probar existencia de familiares inmediatos en Estados UnidosDeclaraciones juradas de personas que afirmen que la persona que pide el perdà ³n es de buena moralreportes mà ©dicos o psicolà ³gicos para probar la dureza por la que pasan los familiares en Estados Unidos debido a la separacià ³n causada por la deportacià ³n.Reporte policial para demostrar un rà ©cord limpioEvidencia de rehabilitacià ³n si en el pasado se ha cometido algà ºn delitoCertificados de estudios o profesionales para probar capacidades de empleoReporte sobre la situacià ³n del paà s en la que se tiene que vivir si no se permite el regreso a Estados Unidos, etc. Si alguno de estos documentos està ¡ en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, debe traducirse. Este listado debe entenderse como una sugerencia y deben incluirse todo lo que sirva para merecer el perdà ³n. El oficial de migracià ³n tiene libertad para decidir si aprueba la solicitud de perdà ³n. No existen reglas absolutas pero se considera que son factores a favor de su aprobacià ³n los siguientes: La existencia de familiares inmediatos en Estados Unidosla situacià ³n de dureza que puede ser causada al familiar en Estados Unidos, siempre que sea un ciudadano o un residente permanente legal. Incluso se puede considerar la dureza que se causa al empleador que se tenà a.El tiempo que se vivià ³ en Estados Unidos. Cuanto mà ¡s, mejor.El estatus migratorio que se tenà a antes de ser removido. Por ejemplo, si se tenà a la green card o una visa.La falta de rà ©cord delictivo o si se ha cometido uno, que no sea grave.En el caso de las expulsiones, cuenta a favor tener sà ³lo 1. Mà ¡s de una expulsià ³n aumenta las posibilidades de negacià ³n del perdà ³n.El ser considerado persona con buena moral. Aquà podrà a ser un problema situaciones de falta de pago de pensià ³n alimenticia, etc.Si ya ha transcurrido mucho tiempo desde la expulsià ³n o deportacià ³n.La probabilidad de convertirse en residente permanente legal en el futuro. Es decir, se tiene una peticià ³n de residencia realizada por un empleador o un familiar. Por el contrario, se consideran factores en contra a la hora de decidir sobre la aprobacià ³n del perdà ³n los siguientes: Ausencia de familiares en Estados Unidos o que los familiares no dependan de ningà ºn modo de la persona deportada.Historial delictivo, particularmente cuando se trata de un delito grave o agravado.Mal carà ¡cter moralVarias violaciones migratoriasMà ¡s de 1 intento de ingreso ilegal a Estado UnidosProbabilidad de convertirse en una carga pà ºblica o se es un peligro para la seguridad de Estados UnidosEnfermedad fà sica o mental, excepto si el à ºnico lugar donde puede recibir tratamiento es en Estados Unidos.à Si pasà ³ poco tiempo desde la deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n.Si en el pasado se trabajà ³ ilegalmente en los Estados Unidos. Tiempo de demora del perdà ³n I-212 y cuota por la peticià ³n En la actualidad, la totalidad de las solicitudes de perdà ³n I-212 se resuelven en menos de 180 dà as, es decir, seis meses.à En el momento en el que se escribe este artà culo, la cuota por aplicar es de $930, que debe pagarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). à ¿Quà © pasa si se obtiene la aprobacià ³n del perdà ³n I-212? Ese perdà ³n es và ¡lido de por vida, a menos que la agencia que lo concedià ³ lo revoque o que la persona cometa algà ºn delito o infraccià ³n migratoria que dà © lugar a una nueva deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n. Sin embargo, el perdà ³n no restaura nunca a la situacià ³n anterior al problema que dio lugar a la deportacià ³n o a la expulsià ³n. Por ejemplo, si se tuvo una visa de turista, no se recupera, o una tarjeta de residencia, etc. Ademà ¡s, el tener el perdà ³n aprobado por sà mismo no es suficiente para poder ingresar a Estados Unidos. Es decir, hay que solicitar una visa no inmigrante o tener una peticià ³n de visa inmigrante. Cualquiera de estas visas puede ser denegada si no se cumplen todos los requisitos para su aprobacià ³n. En el caso de las visas no inmigrante el problema puede surgir por no ser elegible o por no ser admisible. En el caso de las visas de inmigrante, sà ³lo por causa de inadmisibilidad. Precisamente para muchas causas de inadmisibilidad es posible pedir un perdà ³n. Para las causas que convierten a una persona en inelegible no es posible. Teniendo en cuenta esto, es importante leer el siguiente apartado. à ¿Es necesario pedir otros perdones conjuntamente conà I-212? Dependiendo del caso de cada uno, puede ser imprescindible presentar 1 o mà ¡s perdones conjuntamente con el I-212, ya que à ©ste solo sirve para la penalidad de la deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n. Por ejemplo, si se quiere es obtener una visa de inmigrante y hay otros problemas de inadmisibilidad como el castigo de los 3 à ³ 10 aà ±os, fraude de ley, comisià ³n de delito,enfermedad etc. entonces se necesita tambià ©n pedir el perdà ³n I-601, que tiene requisitos muy exigentes. Pero si se desea pedir una visa no inmigrante y hay mà ¡s causas de inadmisibilidad ademà ¡s de la remocià ³n, tambià ©n se debe pedir otro tipo de perdà ³n. à Ademà ¡s, es posible que el problema sea una causa de inadmisibilidad contra la cual no es posible pedir jamà ¡s un perdà ³n, como por ejemplo tener en contra una declaracià ³n de haber solicitado previamente de forma frà vola la condicià ³n de asilo. Otro ejemplo es haber declarado falsamente ser ciudadano estadounidense para obtener un beneficio. Asimismo, no hay perdà ³n en los casos de delito de drogas cometidos despuà ©s de cumplir los 18 aà ±os, con la à ºnica excepcià ³n de posesià ³n de mariguana para uso propio o en los casos de matrimonio de conveniencia para obtener los papeles. Debido a que los casos de perdones son muy complicados es altamente aconsejable asesorarse por un buen abogado especialista en estos asuntos. à ¿Cuà ¡l es la penalidad si se ingresa a Estados Unidos sin el perdà ³n I-212? Si se ingresa ilegalmente cuando està ¡ pendiente de cumplir el castigo por la expulsià ³n o la deportacià ³n automà ¡ticamente se reinstaura la orden de deportacià ³n, de tal manera que si se es detenido o arrestado se procederà ¡ a su deportacià ³n sin pasar por Corte. Ademà ¡s, es posible que apliquen multas y que se den cargos penales por los que puede haber pena de prisià ³n.Finalmente, cae sobre esa persona la prohibicià ³n permanente para regresar a Estados Unidos. Consejos legales Es muy importante entender las dificultades de obtener un perdà ³n y, honestamente, que la mayorà a que son aprobados han sido preparados por abogados migratorios reputados con experiencia en este tipo de casos. En esta pà ¡gina no se recomienda a ningà ºn letrado en particular, pero sà se aconseja verificar con AILA, la asociacià ³n de abogados migratorios, para consultar sobre este tipo de casos. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Risk Consultant - 783 Words
ISSC 363 Risk Consultant 24 January 2016 Risk Consultant A risk assessment is a way to identify, evaluate, quantify, and prioritize risks (Gibson, 2011). They are primarily used to assess the overall security of a network from the eyes of an attacker in order to protect the network from intruders (Schmittling, n.d.). There are no regulations instructing organizations on how systems need to be controlled or secured, however there are regulations requiring systems be secure in one way or another (Schmittling, n.d.). The rationale for conducting an assessment include: cost justification, productivity, breaking barriers, self analysis, and communication (Schmittling, n.d.). Adding security adds an extraâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦When defining scope, goals and objectives, responsibilities, specific inclusions and exclusions, assessment time and location, and risk assessment methodology should be determined . Critical areas for an assessment include: web servers, database servers, and internal firewalls (Gibson, 2011). Ther e are two main types of risk management assessments. They are qualitative and quantitative methodologies. With the qualitative methodology, a relative values are used to determine the probability and impact of a risk (Gibson, 2011). This type of information can be collected quickly. A quantitative risk assessment is used to estimate how much money would be lost should a vulnerability be exploited (Vanderberg, n.d.). With the quantitative methodology, actual dollar values are used. It can take a time to gather this type of data. Once the data is gathered, however, a math formula is used to determine the priority of risks and in turn show the results of controls (Gibson, 2011). It is my opinion that a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methodologies would work best in a Fortune 500 company. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies have advantages. Results from a quantitative methodology are more easily reproducible and make it possible to compare and contrast a p resent assessment with a past assessment. Because the data is not subjective, results are more consistent (Norchiston, 2011). Qualitative assessments seem to beShow MoreRelatedDiscuss Data Gathering and Presentation Skills of Consultants.1064 Words à |à 5 PagesDiscuss Data Gathering and Presentation Skills of Consultants. Consultants must possess a variety of skills that help to enable them to provide the best advisory services to their clients. Two of the important skills that contribute to their profession and ability to perform the required work are data gathering and presentation skills. Exceptional presentation proficiency is especially necessary because it is essential throughout the engagement. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How does Fallout New Vegas (2010) compare to The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind (2002) Free Essays
Two games with a release difference of about eight yearsâ⬠¦both being RPGs in their own right and both having similar gameplayâ⬠¦the big question is: How does ââ¬Å"Fallout New Vegasâ⬠(2010) compare to ââ¬Å"The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowindâ⬠(2002)? (from left to right: Morrowind and Fallout New Vegas) Fallout: New Vegas Review Before early 2009, I had not heard of the Fallout series. I was too busy playing this neat RPG called Morrowind, which is riveting despite the minor issues with AI and combat. Now I have a game in front of me which is fairly recent (came out in Fall 2010), and is surprisingly similar to Morrowind. We will write a custom essay sample on How does Fallout New Vegas (2010) compare to The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (2002)? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Of course, the setting is different and you have many more options in gameplay. The story is that you play as a courier who tries to deliver a package from Primm to New Vegas, who gets shot by a fierce raider gang and is saved by an intelligent robot named Victor. Victor takes the player to Doctor Mitchell, where the game begins. Afterwards, you go through the character creation process which allows you to choose your characterââ¬â¢s gender, facial features, traits and so onâ⬠¦ Sighâ⬠¦ A lengthy character creation, donââ¬â¢t you think? Back in Morrowind, all you did was choose your race/gender, facial features, class and birthsign. Then, you were out into the game world faster than you could say John Appleseed. Still, you had the option to answer questions for the funny (they could be twinsâ⬠¦) looking priest (pictured above, left) so he could choose your class (if you REALLY wanted to hear an old man rambling on and on about rude nicknames, mobs and sweet rolls, that is) butâ⬠¦oh snap that! Er, nevermind about the length of character generation in both games. The fact is ââ¬â in both games, there is a character creation process but they are both radically different. Basically sums it up, donââ¬â¢t you think? After the character creation, I set out in the lovely Mojave Desert. Just when you set out in the wilderness, you get a second chance to create your character. No, thank you! I spent about 15 minutes choosing my character (yeah, I timed itâ⬠¦) and I will not spend another 15 minutes just staring at the screen and constantly asking myself the same question over and over again (ââ¬Å"Is she a perfect character?â⬠). Nah, ââ¬Å"perfectâ⬠does not exist in Falloutââ¬â¢s books. ââ¬Å"Good enoughâ⬠is a better phrase for the term. Sorry about the mix-up. Like in Morrowind, you gain levels when you gain enough experience in your skills (some skills include Unarmed and Guns). With every 2 levels, there is a perk which you can choose. For example, you can choose the Rapid Reload perk which allows you to reload your weapons 25% faster than the normal rate. Cool, huh? After leveling up, I decided to spend about half of my allotted time to go and kill some mutant ants. I loved testing the combat system, especially with the VATS. Basically, if you have enough so-called Action Points, you can choose to shoot any part of the body of your victim. Then, prepare to watch as litres of blood come oozing out of their bodies in full HD! Or otherwiseâ⬠¦you can make a nice cuppa instant coffee with extra foam. Mmmâ⬠¦ Morrowind was pretty simples when it came to combat. All you did was use your sword, dagger, hammer, club, spear, spell, staff, shortswordâ⬠¦etcâ⬠¦ to pummel your enemies. Finally, both games have quests. You can choose either to agree to help people or not. Sometimes you are kinda forced into completing the quest if the quest-giver offers you an enchanted sword or a nice gun prior to completion. Other than that, you are free to do whatever you want in both games. Both games get my rating of: 9.2 (outstanding) Sources: Morrowind images ââ¬â Google Images/Morrowind Photography Guild/UESP Wiki Fallout New Vegas images ââ¬â Google Images/Fallout Wikia Words ââ¬â My own brain ðŸË⺠Commentary I chose to reproduce this article because I am interested in gaming and I thought that this has a large variety of linguistic frameworks to discuss. I used a variety of sentence lengths to engage the readerââ¬â¢s interest. The one word sentence ââ¬Å"Sighâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ offers a pause after four long sentences with a lack of punctuation. It is also used for rhetoric effect as it is accompanied by a rhetorical question ââ¬Å"A lengthyâ⬠¦donââ¬â¢t you think?â⬠so it will leave the reader to make up their own mind and involve them in the gameplay. I use game jargon like ââ¬Å"Fallâ⬠and ââ¬Å"gameplayâ⬠because of the article is in the form of a blog and it shows by using the direct address to engage the reader and the centered pictures with a short subtitle underneath, ââ¬Å"they could be twinsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ . This article shows an element of bias as well. I tend to mention the game Morrowind slightly more than the game Fallout New Vegas. This is done purposely because it illustrates my preference for Morrowind compared to the other game. When I am talking about the Fallout game I tend to rush through the summary of the game, using as little punctuation as I could. This is very subtle bias. Even though at the end of the article I give both games the same rating, the true preference goes to Morrowind and therefore I hide the bias by using a variety of linguistic techniques like the aforementioned one. Although, it is implied that I do not really like the Fallout game, my opinion changes when describing the ââ¬Å"VATSâ⬠combat system, I use a lot of emotive language and show my utter amazement to the feature, for example the transitive verb ââ¬Å"oozingâ⬠. I use the colloquial noun ââ¬Å"cuppaâ⬠instead of ââ¬Å"cup ofâ⬠because it adds humor to the article and also, to create consonance and rhythm between the concrete nouns ââ¬Å"cuppaâ⬠and ââ¬Å"coffeeâ⬠. I used the adjective ââ¬Å"simplesâ⬠instead of ââ¬Å"simpleâ⬠as it makes a reference to popular culture. It also adds to the sibilance of the list of weapons which Morrowind has. I added an image below the list to illustrate my point on the variety of weapons which Morrowind had. Finally, I include the list of sources where I have acquired my images. It uses the standard layout and grammar in a sources list until when I say ââ¬Å"Words ââ¬â from my own brain :Pâ⬠. This is used for humor and the ðŸË⺠emoticon emphasises that I am in tune with colloquial language and modern ways of conversing in an electronic mode text. This contrasts with the headline which looks and reads professionally. How to cite How does Fallout New Vegas (2010) compare to The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (2002)?, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Marketing Plan for El-Amrawy and Nounou -
Question: Discuss about theMarketing Plan for El-Amrawy and Nounou. Answer: Introduction: The purpose of this business report used to prepare a marketing plan along with marketing objectives for a newly launched digital wearable product, which is being launched in the market of Australia. The main aim of the marketing plan will be to fix up on strategy, which can help to attract the maximum number of customers; thereby making it is successful market entrant. The wearable technological device, which helps to crack the level of fitness of an individual, is one of the most popular electronic gadgets in the consumer market. It is essential for the marketing plan to ensure that, the newly launched product is able to make maximum utilisation of this business opportunity. Situational Analysis The Activity tracker fitness devices, which is mainly aimed for the fitness aware and health conscious individual is currently one of the popular electronic gadgets among the population of Australia. According to the report of El-Amrawy and Nounou (2015), more than 70% of the adult Australians, who have use some kind of Activity tracker in the form of wearable device have agreed upon the fact that use of the gadget has help to improve upon their fitness level. This is mainly due to the fact that with the help of the information that are provided by the fitness tracking device, it is possible for an individual to track their overall physical activity. This type of wearable fitness Technology is mainly popular among the population of 30 to 35 years old. The external business environment in the form of highly developed economic and technological infrastructure in Australia it is possible for the newly launched fitness band, Digifit to easily implement their marketing strategy as a new entrant product. Opportunities and Issues With the level of health awareness increasing among the Australian population, this is common among the use of the people to make use of the wearable fitness devices in order to track the level of fitness. The small size of these devices makes it possible for every type of people to easily use the device, thereby increasing the popularity (Ryan 2005). The newly launched wearable fitness device is introduced in the market under the brand name of Digifit need to make use of this business opportunity. The major threat of the newly launched product is due to the presence of reputed brands like Samsung Smart watch, Apple iWatch and Fitbit fitness bands, which have gained huge popularity over the years. Nevertheless one of the major strength of the newly launched Digifit fitness band is due to the fact that they are able to sale the product at much lower cost compared to most of the rival brands, which is also believed to be the major competitive advantage. In the initial stage however, like all other new entrant product in the market the Digifit will have to deal with the weakness of less brand popularity among the target group of customers. Marketing Objectives The objective of the marketing plan is to implement an effective strategy, which can help the Digifit fitness band to capture a significant market share of the market of wearable technology. The marketing plan will use effective communication strategy in order to reach out to the target group of customers and delivered the message, which will help the customers to understand the uniqueness of Digifit fitness band. Due to the low level of pricing of this fitness band compared to other similar devices, it is possible for the company to target wide range of audience among the Australian population. Marketing Strategies According to Smith (2017), market segmentation is one of the essential part of marketing strategies. This help to divide the target market of a company based on different types of characteristics and buying behaviour of the customers. Due to the fact that digital fitness band is quite popular among all types of people in Australia, the market segment for the latest launched Digifit. It is also relevant to mention in the context that due to the low cost of the fitness band, it is possible for the company to segment their market with individual making low level of income. In spite of the fact that that fitness band are suitable for people of all age category, the main target group for the Digifit band includes individual within the age category of 30 to 40 years. The main highlighting point about the Digifit band is related to their value proposition, which is the fact about the low cost and high quality product. In spite of their low cost they are not compromising upon the features that are usually available in any normal fitness band. This can be the major element, which will help the company to establish a brand reputation among the consumer market of Australia. With the help of effective value proposition, it is possible for the company to deliver high quality product and able to gain the trust of the customers. It can also help the fitness band to capture unique position in the fitness industry of Australia, which is believed to be one of the fastest growing sectors in context of the modern days. Armstrong et al. (2015), have mentioned about the importance of brand positioning strategies, which is aimed by a business organisation to reach out to the target group of customers at their psychological level of buying decision making process. With the help of effective brand positioning strategy by Digifit, it is possible for them to maximize the total number of customers and also attract the same from Rival brands, which are highly popular among the present generation of Australians. With the help of effective branding strategy and brand positioning, it is possible for the company to gain significant competitive advantage. Marketing Mix The marketing mix strategy is decided with the help of four major elements. The product that is launched by the Digifit is a wearable fitness band, which is one of the most popular electronic devices. The main highlighting features of this product are the low cost and high quality of material that is being used (Huang and Sarigll 2014). The price of the fitness band is budget friendly that can be afforded by people of all section of the society. In spite of its low cost, the company has not compromised up on the level of quality. The place of launch of the fitness band is currently at few of the major cities of Australia. After few months the product will be available from all parts of the Australia. The promotional strategy which is being used by the company is mainly to attract the people of younger generation. Hence they are mainly depending upon the digital form of marketing campaign. Budget Profile Cost of Digital marketing: $500 Cost of traditional form of marketing: $500 Cost of repairing essential Marketing Communication elements: $700 Cost of hiring experienced market researchers: $200 Monitoring and Control It is essential for the Digifit brand to monitor the marketing strategies that are the implemented along with the total volume of sales. With the process of monitoring it is possible to estimate upon the overall market share of the product, which has the potential to improve over the recent future. Conclusion In the concluding note it can be said that it is essential for the newly launched fitness band to make use of the business opportunity that exist due to the fact that most of the Australian population to get the latest information about their health status. The low cost of the fitness band along with high level of quality is one of the major competitive advantages. Reference Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M. and Brennan, R., 2015. Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Education. El-Amrawy, F. and Nounou, M.I., 2015. Are currently available wearable devices for activity tracking and heart rate monitoring accurate, precise, and medically beneficial?. Healthcare informatics research, 21(4), pp.315-320. Huang, R. and Sarigll, E., 2014. How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. In Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors (pp. 113-132). Springer New York. Ryan, P. (2005). Programs and equipment that are leading the industry: highlights from the 2005 IDEA Fitness Programs Equipment Survey. IDEA Fitness Journal, 2(7), 91-94. Smith, K.W., 2017. KWSnet Fitness/Exercise Index.
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